I hope you all had a nice easter break & enjoying some nice April showers!! we had a lightening storm today with hail, sun & rain, freezing cold then warm sunshine all the seasons within minutes, it can only happen here!
I'm still having trouble with my fingers , I now have an infection & feel they constantly have boiling water being poured over them, so not really much in the mood of anything, I'm now on mega bugbuster antib's only started them yesterday & can feel improvement already, still unable to write as I can't close my hand, hopefully thes tablets will sort me out.
I'm still enjoying reading, thank goodness for good books, & long walks they've saved from completely going mad, my latest recommended read is Anna Smith "The Dead Won't Sleep" another great page turner.
TTFN Off to bed for an early night, I'm sleeping for Scotland just now.
Take care
Ann x